Cypriot nationalism

Cypriot nationalism, also known as Cypriotism, refers to one of the nationalisms of Cyprus. It focuses on the shared identity of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots regarding their "Cypriotness", highlighting their common Cypriot culture, heritage, traditions, and economic, political, and social rights. Cypriot nationalism, as a form of civic nationalism, supports the peaceful reunification of Cyprus and the end of interference of external powers in its domestic affairs. Some Cypriotists advocate a federal state, while others express a preference for a unitary state instead. Cypriot nationalists consider Cypriots as one nationality and even ethnicity, referring to linguistic distinction between Cypriots as "Greek"-speaking Cypriots and "Turkish"-speaking Cypriots, rather than two separate

Cypriot nationalism

Cypriot nationalism, also known as Cypriotism, refers to one of the nationalisms of Cyprus. It focuses on the shared identity of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots regarding their "Cypriotness", highlighting their common Cypriot culture, heritage, traditions, and economic, political, and social rights. Cypriot nationalism, as a form of civic nationalism, supports the peaceful reunification of Cyprus and the end of interference of external powers in its domestic affairs. Some Cypriotists advocate a federal state, while others express a preference for a unitary state instead. Cypriot nationalists consider Cypriots as one nationality and even ethnicity, referring to linguistic distinction between Cypriots as "Greek"-speaking Cypriots and "Turkish"-speaking Cypriots, rather than two separate