DAV foundation

DAV Foundation is a blockchain-based open source global transportation company. DAV Foundation has a decentralized transportation network, which enables different kinds of transportation companies to join the network. This network can work with autonomous vehicles, trucks, drones, cars, and rovers. The infrastructure enables users to access a network of autonomous vehicles using a single token. The decentralized network being built by DAV is meant to offer an alternative to closed proprietary networks currently developed by automakers and transportation companies.

DAV foundation

DAV Foundation is a blockchain-based open source global transportation company. DAV Foundation has a decentralized transportation network, which enables different kinds of transportation companies to join the network. This network can work with autonomous vehicles, trucks, drones, cars, and rovers. The infrastructure enables users to access a network of autonomous vehicles using a single token. The decentralized network being built by DAV is meant to offer an alternative to closed proprietary networks currently developed by automakers and transportation companies.