
DNA (originally broadcast as DoNovAn) is a British television crime drama, broadcast on ITV, starring Tom Conti and Samantha Bond as the main protagonists, Joe and Kate Donovan. Two series were produced - the first of which is a two-part story - and the second which features three, unrelated, entirely different cases. The initial series follows the work of Donovan, a retired police forensic pathologist, whose life is turned upside down after being called to a crime scene, only to find his own name scrawled on the wall in blood by the victim. In the second series, Donovan comes out of retirement to head up the FIU (Forensics Investigation Unit).


DNA (originally broadcast as DoNovAn) is a British television crime drama, broadcast on ITV, starring Tom Conti and Samantha Bond as the main protagonists, Joe and Kate Donovan. Two series were produced - the first of which is a two-part story - and the second which features three, unrelated, entirely different cases. The initial series follows the work of Donovan, a retired police forensic pathologist, whose life is turned upside down after being called to a crime scene, only to find his own name scrawled on the wall in blood by the victim. In the second series, Donovan comes out of retirement to head up the FIU (Forensics Investigation Unit).