DX number

The DX number was assigned by the International Imaging Industry Association (I3A). It uniquely identifies the type and manufacturer (sensitizer) of a film emulsion. A proprietary list of DX numbers for APS and 135 film was prepared yearly or as needed. (DX Codes for 135-Size Film, 2004, I3A; last edition was from January 2009). The list was available for sale from the I3A.

DX number

The DX number was assigned by the International Imaging Industry Association (I3A). It uniquely identifies the type and manufacturer (sensitizer) of a film emulsion. A proprietary list of DX numbers for APS and 135 film was prepared yearly or as needed. (DX Codes for 135-Size Film, 2004, I3A; last edition was from January 2009). The list was available for sale from the I3A.