Daerpies Dierie

Daerpies Dierie is a Southern Sami church quarterly, founded in 1997 and headquartered in Snåsa, Norway. The magazine is financially supported by the Diocese of Härnösand in Sweden and the Diocese of Nidaros in Norway. The magazine's editor-in-chief and founder is . Articles are published in Swedish, Norwegian or Southern Sami. The articles cover a wide range of topics, from Sami church life to more general news about the Sami community.

Daerpies Dierie

Daerpies Dierie is a Southern Sami church quarterly, founded in 1997 and headquartered in Snåsa, Norway. The magazine is financially supported by the Diocese of Härnösand in Sweden and the Diocese of Nidaros in Norway. The magazine's editor-in-chief and founder is . Articles are published in Swedish, Norwegian or Southern Sami. The articles cover a wide range of topics, from Sami church life to more general news about the Sami community.