Dakota College at Bottineau Lumberjacks men's ice hockey

The Dakota College at Bottineau Lumberjacks Ice Hockey are a Junior Collegiate ice hockey team from Bottineau, North Dakota. The Lumberjacks are one of seven sanctioned sports at Dakota College at Bottineau, a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). The Lumberjacks play their home games at the 800-seat Bottineau Community Arena, also referred to as the Lumberdome. Dakota College play roughly a 30-game season schedule against NJCAA opponents, and various ACHA, NCAA Division III teams, college JV teams, and Jr. A teams.

Dakota College at Bottineau Lumberjacks men's ice hockey

The Dakota College at Bottineau Lumberjacks Ice Hockey are a Junior Collegiate ice hockey team from Bottineau, North Dakota. The Lumberjacks are one of seven sanctioned sports at Dakota College at Bottineau, a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA). The Lumberjacks play their home games at the 800-seat Bottineau Community Arena, also referred to as the Lumberdome. Dakota College play roughly a 30-game season schedule against NJCAA opponents, and various ACHA, NCAA Division III teams, college JV teams, and Jr. A teams.