Dalip Frashëri

Dalip bey Frashëri, also known with the pen-name Hyxhretiu (the exiled), was an Albanian Bektashi sheikh and bejtexhi of the 19th century. His poem Kopshti i te mirevet (Garden of the martyrs) is the first and the longest epic known in the Albanian literature. Hadikanë bërë teqmil,... (The fulfilled garden,...)ndë këtë mubareq sene, (on this happy year,)që është pesëdhjet' e tetë, (that is fifty-eight,)ndë rebi-yl ahirënde, (in this stately spring,)njëzet e një dit vërtet, (twenty-one days really,)sonte ditën e xhuma. (tonight that is Friday.)

Dalip Frashëri

Dalip bey Frashëri, also known with the pen-name Hyxhretiu (the exiled), was an Albanian Bektashi sheikh and bejtexhi of the 19th century. His poem Kopshti i te mirevet (Garden of the martyrs) is the first and the longest epic known in the Albanian literature. Hadikanë bërë teqmil,... (The fulfilled garden,...)ndë këtë mubareq sene, (on this happy year,)që është pesëdhjet' e tetë, (that is fifty-eight,)ndë rebi-yl ahirënde, (in this stately spring,)njëzet e një dit vërtet, (twenty-one days really,)sonte ditën e xhuma. (tonight that is Friday.)