Dallas Accord

The Dallas Accord was an implicit agreement made at the 1974 Libertarian National Convention to compromise between the larger minarchist and smaller anarcho-capitalist factions by adopting a platform that explicitly did not say whether it was desirable for the state to exist. Anarchist libertarians continue to work in the party and run for office. Anarchist philosophies of no monopolist government are, they contend, referenced implicitly in the current platform planks, one of which describes the "right to alter or abolish government."

Dallas Accord

The Dallas Accord was an implicit agreement made at the 1974 Libertarian National Convention to compromise between the larger minarchist and smaller anarcho-capitalist factions by adopting a platform that explicitly did not say whether it was desirable for the state to exist. Anarchist libertarians continue to work in the party and run for office. Anarchist philosophies of no monopolist government are, they contend, referenced implicitly in the current platform planks, one of which describes the "right to alter or abolish government."