Daman Hongren

Hongren (Chinese: 弘忍; pinyin: Hóngrěn; Wade–Giles: Hung2-jen3; Japanese pronunciation: Kōnin/Gunin; Korean pronunciation: Hong'in, 601–674), posthumous name Daman, was the 5th Patriarch of Chan Buddhism (Chinese: 禅宗五祖). Hongren is said to have received Dharma transmission from Dayi Daoxin and passed on the symbolic bowl and robe of transmission to Huineng, the Sixth and last Chan Patriarch.

Daman Hongren

Hongren (Chinese: 弘忍; pinyin: Hóngrěn; Wade–Giles: Hung2-jen3; Japanese pronunciation: Kōnin/Gunin; Korean pronunciation: Hong'in, 601–674), posthumous name Daman, was the 5th Patriarch of Chan Buddhism (Chinese: 禅宗五祖). Hongren is said to have received Dharma transmission from Dayi Daoxin and passed on the symbolic bowl and robe of transmission to Huineng, the Sixth and last Chan Patriarch.