Dandy (video game)

Dandy (later Dandy Dungeon) is a dungeon crawl maze game for the Atari 8-bit family published by the Atari Program Exchange in 1983. It was written by John Howard Palevich, originally for his undergraduate thesis while at MIT, drawing inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons, Defender, and arcade maze games. Dandy is one of the first video games with four-player, simultaneous cooperative play. It was the direct inspiration for the popular 1985 Atari Games coin-op, Gauntlet, and later turned into the Dark Chambers home game published by Atari Corporation.

Dandy (video game)

Dandy (later Dandy Dungeon) is a dungeon crawl maze game for the Atari 8-bit family published by the Atari Program Exchange in 1983. It was written by John Howard Palevich, originally for his undergraduate thesis while at MIT, drawing inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons, Defender, and arcade maze games. Dandy is one of the first video games with four-player, simultaneous cooperative play. It was the direct inspiration for the popular 1985 Atari Games coin-op, Gauntlet, and later turned into the Dark Chambers home game published by Atari Corporation.