Daniel Rynhold

Daniel Rynhold is Professor of Jewish Philosophy at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University in New York City where he has worked since August 2007. He became the Shoshana Shier Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto's Centre for Jewish Studies in 2019. He was previously Lecturer in Judaism in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at King's College, London. He received a B.A. in Philosophy at Cambridge University, an MA in Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London and a PhD in Jewish philosophy at the London School of Economics. His doctoral thesis, dated 2000, was titled Justifying one's practices: Two models of Jewish philosophy. Daniel Rynhold has 4 children, one of whom is attending school at Yeshivat Frisc

Daniel Rynhold

Daniel Rynhold is Professor of Jewish Philosophy at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University in New York City where he has worked since August 2007. He became the Shoshana Shier Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto's Centre for Jewish Studies in 2019. He was previously Lecturer in Judaism in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at King's College, London. He received a B.A. in Philosophy at Cambridge University, an MA in Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London and a PhD in Jewish philosophy at the London School of Economics. His doctoral thesis, dated 2000, was titled Justifying one's practices: Two models of Jewish philosophy. Daniel Rynhold has 4 children, one of whom is attending school at Yeshivat Frisc