Danish Law on Salaried Employees

The Law on Salaried Employees (Danish: Funktionærloven), properly Lov om retsforholdet mellem arbejdsgivere og funktionærer (law on the legal relationship between employers and salaried employees), is a Danish law which gives salaried employees certain rights with regard to termination, vacation, illness, non-solicitation and non-competition clauses, etc. There is a requirement for the law to be applicable that the employee works at least 8 hours a week on average, and also a requirement that the employee is not a civil servant.

Danish Law on Salaried Employees

The Law on Salaried Employees (Danish: Funktionærloven), properly Lov om retsforholdet mellem arbejdsgivere og funktionærer (law on the legal relationship between employers and salaried employees), is a Danish law which gives salaried employees certain rights with regard to termination, vacation, illness, non-solicitation and non-competition clauses, etc. There is a requirement for the law to be applicable that the employee works at least 8 hours a week on average, and also a requirement that the employee is not a civil servant.