Dark Venture

Dark Venture was an American radio anthology thriller series created by director Leonard Reeg and producer J. Donald Wilson. John Lake narrated the show. Dark Venture originated at the ABC's KECA facilities in Los Angeles. The series ran for 52 episodes between February 1946 and February 1947. ABC took Dark Venture series nationwide on February 19, 1946. The first episode of Dark Venture began with an introduction by Lake: The introduction had subtle changes in different episodes to reflect the journeying into the unknown.

Dark Venture

Dark Venture was an American radio anthology thriller series created by director Leonard Reeg and producer J. Donald Wilson. John Lake narrated the show. Dark Venture originated at the ABC's KECA facilities in Los Angeles. The series ran for 52 episodes between February 1946 and February 1947. ABC took Dark Venture series nationwide on February 19, 1946. The first episode of Dark Venture began with an introduction by Lake: The introduction had subtle changes in different episodes to reflect the journeying into the unknown.