Dark Waters (Once Upon a Time)

"Dark Waters" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on October 30, 2016. In this episode, Hook's past encounter with Captain Nemo is revealed, as the Evil Queen drives a wedge into Henry and Hook while she and Zelena attempt to stop Snow and David from finding Archie, and Emma suddenly learns the fate to Jasmine's kingdom from Aladdin.

Dark Waters (Once Upon a Time)

"Dark Waters" is the sixth episode of the sixth season of the American fantasy drama series Once Upon a Time, which aired on October 30, 2016. In this episode, Hook's past encounter with Captain Nemo is revealed, as the Evil Queen drives a wedge into Henry and Hook while she and Zelena attempt to stop Snow and David from finding Archie, and Emma suddenly learns the fate to Jasmine's kingdom from Aladdin.