Darken's equations

In 1948, Lawrence Stamper Darken published an article entitled "Diffusion, Mobility and Their Interrelation through Free Energy in Binary Metallic Systems", in which he derived two equations describing solid-state diffusion in binary solutions. Specifically, the equations Darken created relate “binary chemical diffusion coefficient to the intrinsic and self diffusion coefficients”. The equations apply to cases when a solid solution's two interdiffusing components do not have the same coefficient of diffusion. The result of this article had a large impact on the understanding of solid state diffusion and as a result the equations have come to be known as “Darken’s equations”.

Darken's equations

In 1948, Lawrence Stamper Darken published an article entitled "Diffusion, Mobility and Their Interrelation through Free Energy in Binary Metallic Systems", in which he derived two equations describing solid-state diffusion in binary solutions. Specifically, the equations Darken created relate “binary chemical diffusion coefficient to the intrinsic and self diffusion coefficients”. The equations apply to cases when a solid solution's two interdiffusing components do not have the same coefficient of diffusion. The result of this article had a large impact on the understanding of solid state diffusion and as a result the equations have come to be known as “Darken’s equations”.