Darwinian poetry

Darwinian Poetry was a web project created in 2003 by David Rea to determine whether "non-negotiated collaboration" could evolve interesting and intelligent poetry using a process akin to natural selection. Visitors to the site were presented with two poems, both arbitrary splicings of two 'parent' poems. The visitor was asked to select the more appealing, and poems that survived the process of voting went on to be spliced into other 'healthy' poems. Unpopular poems eventually "died". The intent was to create, in the long term, poems that were progressively more interesting and sensible.

Darwinian poetry

Darwinian Poetry was a web project created in 2003 by David Rea to determine whether "non-negotiated collaboration" could evolve interesting and intelligent poetry using a process akin to natural selection. Visitors to the site were presented with two poems, both arbitrary splicings of two 'parent' poems. The visitor was asked to select the more appealing, and poems that survived the process of voting went on to be spliced into other 'healthy' poems. Unpopular poems eventually "died". The intent was to create, in the long term, poems that were progressively more interesting and sensible.