Dave Moutrey

Dave Moutrey is a manager and leadership professional of United Kingdom arts organisations. He is Director and Chief Executive of HOME, the centre for international contemporary arts, theatre and film formed by the merger of Cornerhouse and the Library Theatre Company. Dave is also Director of Culture for the City of Manchester, a role that he performs concurrently with his position as Director and CEO of HOME. In 2016 Moutrey joined the British Council Arts Advisory Group and the Board of the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh in 2017.

Dave Moutrey

Dave Moutrey is a manager and leadership professional of United Kingdom arts organisations. He is Director and Chief Executive of HOME, the centre for international contemporary arts, theatre and film formed by the merger of Cornerhouse and the Library Theatre Company. Dave is also Director of Culture for the City of Manchester, a role that he performs concurrently with his position as Director and CEO of HOME. In 2016 Moutrey joined the British Council Arts Advisory Group and the Board of the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh in 2017.