Dave Nalle

David F. Nalle (March 19, 1959 in Beirut, Lebanon – February 13, 2021) was a political writer, game author and font designer who was active in the early history of the development of the internet. He was at one time Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus, a group that promotes libertarianism within the Republican Party, Senior Politics Editor at Blogcritics online magazine, and was the CEO of Scriptorium Fonts.

Dave Nalle

David F. Nalle (March 19, 1959 in Beirut, Lebanon – February 13, 2021) was a political writer, game author and font designer who was active in the early history of the development of the internet. He was at one time Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus, a group that promotes libertarianism within the Republican Party, Senior Politics Editor at Blogcritics online magazine, and was the CEO of Scriptorium Fonts.