David S. Terry

David Smith Terry (1823–1889) was a Californian jurist and Democratic politician, who was the fourth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, and an author of the Constitution of 1879. He also won a duel with U.S. Senator David C. Broderick in Broderick's second duel in 1859. Terry died on August 14, 1889, when he was shot by Deputy US Marshal David Neagle after he attacked Associate Supreme Court Justice Stephen J. Field.

David S. Terry

David Smith Terry (1823–1889) was a Californian jurist and Democratic politician, who was the fourth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, and an author of the Constitution of 1879. He also won a duel with U.S. Senator David C. Broderick in Broderick's second duel in 1859. Terry died on August 14, 1889, when he was shot by Deputy US Marshal David Neagle after he attacked Associate Supreme Court Justice Stephen J. Field.