David Scott (author)

David Scott is an American author with a special interest in religion and culture. He has published several books, including studies of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Hundreds of his essays and articles have appeared in journals and periodicals throughout the world, including the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, as well as National Review, Commonweal, Crisis, Inside the Vatican, National Catholic Register, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Beliefnet.com and elsewhere.

David Scott (author)

David Scott is an American author with a special interest in religion and culture. He has published several books, including studies of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Hundreds of his essays and articles have appeared in journals and periodicals throughout the world, including the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, as well as National Review, Commonweal, Crisis, Inside the Vatican, National Catholic Register, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Beliefnet.com and elsewhere.