David ben Levi of Narbonne

Rabbi David ben Levi of Narbonne was a Talmudist of the late 13th century, best known as author of Sefer haMichtam. Little is known of his life. He served as a judge in Narbonne alongside R' Mordechai Kimchi. His teacher (according to his work) was R' Shmuel ben Shlomo Sekili. He must have lived until at least 1305, as he records his teacher R' Shmuel dying in that year.

David ben Levi of Narbonne

Rabbi David ben Levi of Narbonne was a Talmudist of the late 13th century, best known as author of Sefer haMichtam. Little is known of his life. He served as a judge in Narbonne alongside R' Mordechai Kimchi. His teacher (according to his work) was R' Shmuel ben Shlomo Sekili. He must have lived until at least 1305, as he records his teacher R' Shmuel dying in that year.