De Muyser Lantwyck family

The de Muyser Lantwyck family is an old Belgian family dating back to the beginning of the 15th century, tracing its roots to Jean Moyser, alderman of Vaelbeek (duchy of Brabant), who held lands in Héverlé in 1451, censier of the Groenendael Priory, lord holding the lands and manor of Cockelberg by lease dated 19 June 1438, husband of Aleyde Crabbé.

De Muyser Lantwyck family

The de Muyser Lantwyck family is an old Belgian family dating back to the beginning of the 15th century, tracing its roots to Jean Moyser, alderman of Vaelbeek (duchy of Brabant), who held lands in Héverlé in 1451, censier of the Groenendael Priory, lord holding the lands and manor of Cockelberg by lease dated 19 June 1438, husband of Aleyde Crabbé.