De libero arbitrio (Augustine book)

De libero arbitrio (libri tres) (English: On Free Choice of the Will) is a book by Augustine of Hippo about the freedom of will structured as a Platonic dialogue with a student named Evodius. Young Augustine wrote it in three volumes, one 387–389 in Rome, after his baptism, and the other two between 391 and 395, after his priestly ordination in Africa.

De libero arbitrio (Augustine book)

De libero arbitrio (libri tres) (English: On Free Choice of the Will) is a book by Augustine of Hippo about the freedom of will structured as a Platonic dialogue with a student named Evodius. Young Augustine wrote it in three volumes, one 387–389 in Rome, after his baptism, and the other two between 391 and 395, after his priestly ordination in Africa.