Debunking Economics

Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences is a book by the economist Steve Keen about the problems with mainstream economics. The book was initially published by Zed Books in 2001, and a revised and updated version was published in 2011. Translated versions were also published in Spanish, French and Chinese. The book is suitable for a general reader, and uses words and figures rather than equations to make its points, but is aimed at those with at least some basic knowledge of economics.

Debunking Economics

Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences is a book by the economist Steve Keen about the problems with mainstream economics. The book was initially published by Zed Books in 2001, and a revised and updated version was published in 2011. Translated versions were also published in Spanish, French and Chinese. The book is suitable for a general reader, and uses words and figures rather than equations to make its points, but is aimed at those with at least some basic knowledge of economics.