Dejter graph

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Dejter graph is a 6-regular graph with 112 vertices, 336 edges and girth 6. The Dejter graph isobtained by deleting a copyof the Hamming code of length 7 from the binary7-cube. The Dejter graph, and by extension any graph obtained by deleting a Hamming code of length 2r-1 from a(2r-1)-cube, is a symmetric graph.In particular, the Dejter graph admits a 3-factorization into twocopies of the Ljubljana graph, which is the third smallest existing semi-symmetric cubic graph of regular degree 3. The Ljubljana graph has girth 10.

Dejter graph

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Dejter graph is a 6-regular graph with 112 vertices, 336 edges and girth 6. The Dejter graph isobtained by deleting a copyof the Hamming code of length 7 from the binary7-cube. The Dejter graph, and by extension any graph obtained by deleting a Hamming code of length 2r-1 from a(2r-1)-cube, is a symmetric graph.In particular, the Dejter graph admits a 3-factorization into twocopies of the Ljubljana graph, which is the third smallest existing semi-symmetric cubic graph of regular degree 3. The Ljubljana graph has girth 10.