Delbard Jubilée

'Delbard Jubilée' or 'Delgollune' is a modern French cultivar of domesticated apple which was developed in 1964 by Delbard nurseries. It is not the same as the Jubilee apple that was developed in Canada. The breeder Georges Delbard chose this cultivar out of his 1,200 crossings of apple cultivars that he had accomplished, to celebrate with it his 80th birthday and the 50th year of his nursery. According to a quote in the "Guide of Apples" website, he said: "... it exhales a delicious floral odor. It liberates an aroma where you will find some touch of banana and hazelnut flowers ".

Delbard Jubilée

'Delbard Jubilée' or 'Delgollune' is a modern French cultivar of domesticated apple which was developed in 1964 by Delbard nurseries. It is not the same as the Jubilee apple that was developed in Canada. The breeder Georges Delbard chose this cultivar out of his 1,200 crossings of apple cultivars that he had accomplished, to celebrate with it his 80th birthday and the 50th year of his nursery. According to a quote in the "Guide of Apples" website, he said: "... it exhales a delicious floral odor. It liberates an aroma where you will find some touch of banana and hazelnut flowers ".