Deliberative rhetoric

Deliberative rhetoric (Greek: genos symbouleutikon; Latin: genus deliberativum, sometimes called legislative oratory) is one of the three kinds of rhetoric described by Aristotle. Deliberative rhetoric juxtaposes potential future outcomes to communicate support or opposition for a given action or policy. In deliberative rhetoric, an argument is made using examples from the past to predict future outcomes in order to illustrate that a given policy or action will either be harmful or beneficial in the future. It differs from deliberative democracy, which is a form of governmental discourse or institution that prioritizes public debate.

Deliberative rhetoric

Deliberative rhetoric (Greek: genos symbouleutikon; Latin: genus deliberativum, sometimes called legislative oratory) is one of the three kinds of rhetoric described by Aristotle. Deliberative rhetoric juxtaposes potential future outcomes to communicate support or opposition for a given action or policy. In deliberative rhetoric, an argument is made using examples from the past to predict future outcomes in order to illustrate that a given policy or action will either be harmful or beneficial in the future. It differs from deliberative democracy, which is a form of governmental discourse or institution that prioritizes public debate.