
Delicious! (デリシャス!) is a manga drawn by artist Yui Ayumi (あゆみゆい, Ayumi Yui). The original story was created by Miyuki Kobayashi (小林深雪, Kobayashi Miyuki). It was serialized in 35 parts in the monthly shōjo publication Nakayoshi from April 1996 through May 1999. It was then collected into seven books, each containing five parts. Each part was published with a recipe for the reader to prepare.


Delicious! (デリシャス!) is a manga drawn by artist Yui Ayumi (あゆみゆい, Ayumi Yui). The original story was created by Miyuki Kobayashi (小林深雪, Kobayashi Miyuki). It was serialized in 35 parts in the monthly shōjo publication Nakayoshi from April 1996 through May 1999. It was then collected into seven books, each containing five parts. Each part was published with a recipe for the reader to prepare.