Delta Cancri

Delta Cancri (δ Cancri, abbreviated Delta Cnc, δ Cnc) is a double star about 180 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Cancer. Its two main constituents are designated Delta Cancri A and B. A is itself a binary star whose components are Delta Cancri Aa (formally named Asellus Australis /əˈsɛləs ɔːsˈtreɪlɪs/, the traditional name of the entire system) and Ab.

Delta Cancri

Delta Cancri (δ Cancri, abbreviated Delta Cnc, δ Cnc) is a double star about 180 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Cancer. Its two main constituents are designated Delta Cancri A and B. A is itself a binary star whose components are Delta Cancri Aa (formally named Asellus Australis /əˈsɛləs ɔːsˈtreɪlɪs/, the traditional name of the entire system) and Ab.