Demon Lord Dante

Demon Lord Dante (Japanese: 魔王ダンテ, Hepburn: Maō Dante) is a manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The series tells the story of Ryo Utsugi, a student who finds himself in the body of an ancient demon known as Dante and sees himself in the middle of a conflict between God and the devils. Nagai's main influence to create the work was Gustave Doré's illustrations of Dante's Divine Comedy. The series challenged the traditional view of God as good and Devil as bad and was created to provoke the critics of his previous works.

Demon Lord Dante

Demon Lord Dante (Japanese: 魔王ダンテ, Hepburn: Maō Dante) is a manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The series tells the story of Ryo Utsugi, a student who finds himself in the body of an ancient demon known as Dante and sees himself in the middle of a conflict between God and the devils. Nagai's main influence to create the work was Gustave Doré's illustrations of Dante's Divine Comedy. The series challenged the traditional view of God as good and Devil as bad and was created to provoke the critics of his previous works.