Denise Goupil

Denise Girard-Goupil, the first female lawyer in French Polynesia, was born in 1931 to parents Emile Goupil and Eliane Garnier. According to official records, Emile served as a police officer, bailiff and deputy-notary during his life. Girard-Goupil’s great-grandfather was Auguste Goupil (1847-1921), a prominent lawyer who owned a plantation in Papeete, French Polynesia. He struck a friendship with Impressionist painter Paul Gauguin. Auguste’s daughter Jeanne was even the subject of Gauguin’s painting “Portrait of a Young Woman. Vaïte (Jeanne) Goupil”. She died on May 26, 2017.

Denise Goupil

Denise Girard-Goupil, the first female lawyer in French Polynesia, was born in 1931 to parents Emile Goupil and Eliane Garnier. According to official records, Emile served as a police officer, bailiff and deputy-notary during his life. Girard-Goupil’s great-grandfather was Auguste Goupil (1847-1921), a prominent lawyer who owned a plantation in Papeete, French Polynesia. He struck a friendship with Impressionist painter Paul Gauguin. Auguste’s daughter Jeanne was even the subject of Gauguin’s painting “Portrait of a Young Woman. Vaïte (Jeanne) Goupil”. She died on May 26, 2017.