Dennis Satin

Dennis Satin (born February 18, 1968, Sofia, Bulgaria) is a German film director and screenwriter. He became internationally recognized for the movie Dangerous Dowry (German title Nur aus Liebe, 1996), as director and screenwriter; starring: Katja Riemann and Hannes Jaenicke. In addition he worked as director for the cinema-movie Helden und andere Feiglinge 1998 ("Heroes And Other Cowards") and as director for different sequels of German crime-thriller TV-series like "Doppelter Einsatz".

Dennis Satin

Dennis Satin (born February 18, 1968, Sofia, Bulgaria) is a German film director and screenwriter. He became internationally recognized for the movie Dangerous Dowry (German title Nur aus Liebe, 1996), as director and screenwriter; starring: Katja Riemann and Hannes Jaenicke. In addition he worked as director for the cinema-movie Helden und andere Feiglinge 1998 ("Heroes And Other Cowards") and as director for different sequels of German crime-thriller TV-series like "Doppelter Einsatz".