
In general topology, a subset of a topological space is said to be dense-in-itself or crowdedif has no isolated point.Equivalently, is dense-in-itself if every point of is a limit point of .Thus is dense-in-itself if and only if , where is the derived set of . A dense-in-itself closed set is called a perfect set. (In other words, a perfect set is a closed set without isolated point.) The notion of dense set is unrelated to dense-in-itself. This can sometimes be confusing, as "X is dense in X" (always true) is not the same as "X is dense-in-itself" (no isolated point).


In general topology, a subset of a topological space is said to be dense-in-itself or crowdedif has no isolated point.Equivalently, is dense-in-itself if every point of is a limit point of .Thus is dense-in-itself if and only if , where is the derived set of . A dense-in-itself closed set is called a perfect set. (In other words, a perfect set is a closed set without isolated point.) The notion of dense set is unrelated to dense-in-itself. This can sometimes be confusing, as "X is dense in X" (always true) is not the same as "X is dense-in-itself" (no isolated point).