Desiderius Rátót

Desiderius (I) from the kindred Rátót (Hungarian: Rátót nembeli (I.) Dezső; died after 1308) was a Hungarian nobleman and soldier, who served as ispán of Borsod and Gömör counties at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. He was the ancestor of the (or Serkei) and Feledi noble families.

Desiderius Rátót

Desiderius (I) from the kindred Rátót (Hungarian: Rátót nembeli (I.) Dezső; died after 1308) was a Hungarian nobleman and soldier, who served as ispán of Borsod and Gömör counties at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. He was the ancestor of the (or Serkei) and Feledi noble families.