Design objective

Design objective (DO): In communications systems, a desired performance characteristic for communications circuits and equipment that is based on engineering analyses, but (a) is not considered feasible to mandate in a standard, or (b) has not been tested. DOs are used because applicable systems standards are not in existence. A DO is sometimes established in a standard for developmental consideration. A DO may also specify a performance characteristic used in the preparation of specifications for development or procurement of new equipment or systems.

Design objective

Design objective (DO): In communications systems, a desired performance characteristic for communications circuits and equipment that is based on engineering analyses, but (a) is not considered feasible to mandate in a standard, or (b) has not been tested. DOs are used because applicable systems standards are not in existence. A DO is sometimes established in a standard for developmental consideration. A DO may also specify a performance characteristic used in the preparation of specifications for development or procurement of new equipment or systems.