Desolate (film)

Desolate is a 2018 American thriller film directed by Frederick Cipoletti, who wrote it with Jonathan Rosenthal. Will Brittain stars as a young man who is abandoned by his brothers – played by Tyson Ritter, Bill Tangradi, and Rosenthal – after a botched robbery. The film takes place in a near-future dystopia where a years-long drought has caused civilization to effectively collapse in the affected areas.

Desolate (film)

Desolate is a 2018 American thriller film directed by Frederick Cipoletti, who wrote it with Jonathan Rosenthal. Will Brittain stars as a young man who is abandoned by his brothers – played by Tyson Ritter, Bill Tangradi, and Rosenthal – after a botched robbery. The film takes place in a near-future dystopia where a years-long drought has caused civilization to effectively collapse in the affected areas.