Det överexponerade gömstället

Det överexponerade gömstället (The Over Exposed Hideout) is the sixth studio album by Swedish indie rock band bob hund. It was released on 16 March 2011. The first single, "Popsång (mot min vilja)" was released on 21 February. The cover of the album is design by bob hund's household artist , but is simply an email from Kann stating "Jag har ingen omslagsidé. Sorry, /Martin" (I have no idea for a cover. Sorry, /Martin).

Det överexponerade gömstället

Det överexponerade gömstället (The Over Exposed Hideout) is the sixth studio album by Swedish indie rock band bob hund. It was released on 16 March 2011. The first single, "Popsång (mot min vilja)" was released on 21 February. The cover of the album is design by bob hund's household artist , but is simply an email from Kann stating "Jag har ingen omslagsidé. Sorry, /Martin" (I have no idea for a cover. Sorry, /Martin).