Developer's Image Library or DevIL, started by Denton Woods, is a cross-platform image library which aims to provide a common API for different image file formats. It consists of three parts: the main library (IL), the utility library (ILU) and the utility toolkit (ILUT), mirroring the corresponding parts of OpenGL (although the OpenGL Utility Toolkit is not part of the OpenGL specification). It was originally called OpenIL; the name was changed at a request from Silicon Graphics, Inc.


Developer's Image Library or DevIL, started by Denton Woods, is a cross-platform image library which aims to provide a common API for different image file formats. It consists of three parts: the main library (IL), the utility library (ILU) and the utility toolkit (ILUT), mirroring the corresponding parts of OpenGL (although the OpenGL Utility Toolkit is not part of the OpenGL specification). It was originally called OpenIL; the name was changed at a request from Silicon Graphics, Inc.