Devils Kitchen Picnic Shelter

The Devils Kitchen Picnic Shelter in Colorado National Monument was designed by Harvey H. Cornell, Jerome C. Miller and Kenneth M. Saunders of the National Park Service Branch of Plans and Design in 1940. It was built by workers from the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Public Works Administration in 1941, in the National Park Service Rustic style. The shelter features three sandstone fireplaces, as well as toilets and service facilities. The shelter is unusual due to its large size and diversified function.

Devils Kitchen Picnic Shelter

The Devils Kitchen Picnic Shelter in Colorado National Monument was designed by Harvey H. Cornell, Jerome C. Miller and Kenneth M. Saunders of the National Park Service Branch of Plans and Design in 1940. It was built by workers from the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Public Works Administration in 1941, in the National Park Service Rustic style. The shelter features three sandstone fireplaces, as well as toilets and service facilities. The shelter is unusual due to its large size and diversified function.