
Dhatukaya (IAST: Dhātukāya) or Dhatukaya-sastra is one of the seven Sarvastivada Abhidharma Buddhist scriptures. Dhatukaya means "group of elements". It was written by Purna (according to Sanskrit and Tibetan sources), or Vasumitra (according to Chinese sources; five people named Vasumitra were known to the Chinese sources, but it is not clear which one of these authored Dhatukaya). It was translated into Chinese translated by Xuanzang: T26, No. 1540, 阿毘達磨界身足論, 尊者世友造, 三藏法師玄奘奉 詔譯, in a short 3 fascicles.


Dhatukaya (IAST: Dhātukāya) or Dhatukaya-sastra is one of the seven Sarvastivada Abhidharma Buddhist scriptures. Dhatukaya means "group of elements". It was written by Purna (according to Sanskrit and Tibetan sources), or Vasumitra (according to Chinese sources; five people named Vasumitra were known to the Chinese sources, but it is not clear which one of these authored Dhatukaya). It was translated into Chinese translated by Xuanzang: T26, No. 1540, 阿毘達磨界身足論, 尊者世友造, 三藏法師玄奘奉 詔譯, in a short 3 fascicles.