Dick Knight (businessman)

Harry Richard Knight is an English businessman and former chairman of Brighton & Hove Albion F.C., a post he held from 1997 to 2009. A lifelong fan of Brighton & Hove Albion, he took control in 1997 having led the fan pressure to oust the previous board following their sale of the club's Goldstone Ground to property developers. In 2005, he owned 375,000 shares in the club's holding company, making him the largest shareholder at 29.61%. Knight had a successful career in the advertising industry.

Dick Knight (businessman)

Harry Richard Knight is an English businessman and former chairman of Brighton & Hove Albion F.C., a post he held from 1997 to 2009. A lifelong fan of Brighton & Hove Albion, he took control in 1997 having led the fan pressure to oust the previous board following their sale of the club's Goldstone Ground to property developers. In 2005, he owned 375,000 shares in the club's holding company, making him the largest shareholder at 29.61%. Knight had a successful career in the advertising industry.