Digital motion X-ray

Digital motion X-ray (Digital Motion X-Ray: Non-fluoroscopic)Conventional radiography is now used for the recording of motion studies. This method does not employ the use of fluoroscopy that has been the most common use of X-rays but rather uses conventional X-rays. The manner of recording a motion study is to couple an X-ray system with a digital computer and a detection system that records images in real time. Example: The A2D2, Inc. Model 1713 is a digital system that is capable of recording static images or a dynamic sequence.

Digital motion X-ray

Digital motion X-ray (Digital Motion X-Ray: Non-fluoroscopic)Conventional radiography is now used for the recording of motion studies. This method does not employ the use of fluoroscopy that has been the most common use of X-rays but rather uses conventional X-rays. The manner of recording a motion study is to couple an X-ray system with a digital computer and a detection system that records images in real time. Example: The A2D2, Inc. Model 1713 is a digital system that is capable of recording static images or a dynamic sequence.