Dilbert Groundloop

Dilbert Groundloop is a comic character conceived by Capt. Austin K. Doyle, USN and Lt. Cdr. Robert Osborn, USNR shortly after the Attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. An early aviator, he was used in training manuals, like Taxi Sense, and training posters for the United States Navy. Dilbert was specifically shown doing things that pilots shouldn't do with the terrible and comedic consequences of his actions illustrated for the benefit of future pilots. The Army counterpart was the better-known animated cartoon, Private Snafu [an acronym that means, Situation Normal: All Fouled Up], created by Theodor "Seuss" Geisel and Chuck Jones.

Dilbert Groundloop

Dilbert Groundloop is a comic character conceived by Capt. Austin K. Doyle, USN and Lt. Cdr. Robert Osborn, USNR shortly after the Attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. An early aviator, he was used in training manuals, like Taxi Sense, and training posters for the United States Navy. Dilbert was specifically shown doing things that pilots shouldn't do with the terrible and comedic consequences of his actions illustrated for the benefit of future pilots. The Army counterpart was the better-known animated cartoon, Private Snafu [an acronym that means, Situation Normal: All Fouled Up], created by Theodor "Seuss" Geisel and Chuck Jones.