Dima Alzayat

Dima Alzayat is a Syrian author and associate lecturer. Alzayat was born in Damascus, Syria and grew up in San Jose, California. She now lives in Manchester, UK, and is an associate lecturer and PhD student at Lancaster University. She is author of the short story collection Alligator and Other Stories, published in 2020. She is represented by the Blake Friedmann agency. Her stories have appeared in the literary magazine Prairie Schooner.

Dima Alzayat

Dima Alzayat is a Syrian author and associate lecturer. Alzayat was born in Damascus, Syria and grew up in San Jose, California. She now lives in Manchester, UK, and is an associate lecturer and PhD student at Lancaster University. She is author of the short story collection Alligator and Other Stories, published in 2020. She is represented by the Blake Friedmann agency. Her stories have appeared in the literary magazine Prairie Schooner.