Discworld Diary

The Discworld Diaries are a series of themed diaries based on the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett. Each one (except the 2008 diary) is based on an Ankh-Morpork institution, and has an opening section containing information about that institution written by Pratchett and Stephen Briggs. The early diaries are illustrated by Paul Kidby. Those for 2015 and 2016 were by Pratchett aided and abetted by the Discworld Emporium, with additional illustrations by Peter Dennis The diaries are:

Discworld Diary

The Discworld Diaries are a series of themed diaries based on the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett. Each one (except the 2008 diary) is based on an Ankh-Morpork institution, and has an opening section containing information about that institution written by Pratchett and Stephen Briggs. The early diaries are illustrated by Paul Kidby. Those for 2015 and 2016 were by Pratchett aided and abetted by the Discworld Emporium, with additional illustrations by Peter Dennis The diaries are: