District Programme Manager

A District Programme Manager (DPM) is a government official in India who monitors and plans district health strategies, as with the National Rural Health Mission and the District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit. A DPM does the following: Job Responsibilities District Program Manager verification / Supportive supervision of at least one centre a week.  Facilitate Convergence with ICDS, DoE and TWD. Give feed back to CMHO, Make sure that critical issues come for discussions in DHS/coordination meetings. * E Rashtriya Bal Suraksha Karyakram (RBSK)- * D. Human Resources- * G. Finance * L.PC & PNDT

District Programme Manager

A District Programme Manager (DPM) is a government official in India who monitors and plans district health strategies, as with the National Rural Health Mission and the District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit. A DPM does the following: Job Responsibilities District Program Manager verification / Supportive supervision of at least one centre a week.  Facilitate Convergence with ICDS, DoE and TWD. Give feed back to CMHO, Make sure that critical issues come for discussions in DHS/coordination meetings. * E Rashtriya Bal Suraksha Karyakram (RBSK)- * D. Human Resources- * G. Finance * L.PC & PNDT