Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures

The First Doctor Adventures is a Big Finish Productions audio play series based on the British television programme Doctor Who. It sees the return of David Bradley as the First Doctor, a role originated by William Hartnell from 1963 to 1966, as well as by Bradley on television in the episodes "The Doctor Falls" and "Twice Upon a Time". David Bradley also portrayed William Hartnell in the BBC bio-drama, An Adventure in Space and Time.

Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures

The First Doctor Adventures is a Big Finish Productions audio play series based on the British television programme Doctor Who. It sees the return of David Bradley as the First Doctor, a role originated by William Hartnell from 1963 to 1966, as well as by Bradley on television in the episodes "The Doctor Falls" and "Twice Upon a Time". David Bradley also portrayed William Hartnell in the BBC bio-drama, An Adventure in Space and Time.