Dog poop girl

Dog poop girl refers to a 2005 incident in South Korea which was one of the first internationally reported occurrences of doxing. In a Seoul subway car, a young woman's lap dog defecated inside the train, and the woman was photographed on another passenger's mobile phone camera after she did not clean up the mess despite numerous requests. The photos were posted on a popular Korean website and widely distributed; the woman was later identified, and her personal information was published online. The woman was publicly shamed, and quit her university. Newspaper editorials then addressed the issues concerning Internet vigilantism and privacy concerns.

Dog poop girl

Dog poop girl refers to a 2005 incident in South Korea which was one of the first internationally reported occurrences of doxing. In a Seoul subway car, a young woman's lap dog defecated inside the train, and the woman was photographed on another passenger's mobile phone camera after she did not clean up the mess despite numerous requests. The photos were posted on a popular Korean website and widely distributed; the woman was later identified, and her personal information was published online. The woman was publicly shamed, and quit her university. Newspaper editorials then addressed the issues concerning Internet vigilantism and privacy concerns.