Dolores del Río filmography

This is a complete filmography of the Mexican actress Dolores del Río. She was a Hollywood star in the 1920s and 1930s, and one of the most important womanly figures of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema in the 1940s and 1950s. During the 1920s and 1930s in Hollywood, she was considered one of the most beautiful women of the cinema. Her career flourished with success in films such as Resurrection (1927), Ramona (1928), Evangeline (1929), Bird of Paradise (1932), Flying Down to Rio (1933), Madame Du Barry, Wonder Bar (1934) and Journey into Fear (1942).When del Río returned to Mexico in the early 1940s, she became the most important female star of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. Films like Wild Flower (1943), María Candelaria (1943), Las abandonadas (1944), Bugambilia (1944) and La Malqueri

Dolores del Río filmography

This is a complete filmography of the Mexican actress Dolores del Río. She was a Hollywood star in the 1920s and 1930s, and one of the most important womanly figures of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema in the 1940s and 1950s. During the 1920s and 1930s in Hollywood, she was considered one of the most beautiful women of the cinema. Her career flourished with success in films such as Resurrection (1927), Ramona (1928), Evangeline (1929), Bird of Paradise (1932), Flying Down to Rio (1933), Madame Du Barry, Wonder Bar (1934) and Journey into Fear (1942).When del Río returned to Mexico in the early 1940s, she became the most important female star of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. Films like Wild Flower (1943), María Candelaria (1943), Las abandonadas (1944), Bugambilia (1944) and La Malqueri