Dom kallar oss artister

Dom kallar oss artister (English: "They call us artists") is a television program on SVT1 in Sweden premiering on 28 October 2008. Each half-hour episode follows a Swedish musical artist or group through such activities as busy promotion days in Los Angeles, costume tests for coming tours, hard rock camping in the mountain valleys of Slovenia, recordings in Nashville, and gigs at the home of fans in Enköping.

Dom kallar oss artister

Dom kallar oss artister (English: "They call us artists") is a television program on SVT1 in Sweden premiering on 28 October 2008. Each half-hour episode follows a Swedish musical artist or group through such activities as busy promotion days in Los Angeles, costume tests for coming tours, hard rock camping in the mountain valleys of Slovenia, recordings in Nashville, and gigs at the home of fans in Enköping.